Introducing your puppy step by step
The best way to create life long positive experiences for your puppy to the grooming world, is an early introduction to the sights, sounds and smells of the grooming salon. This process should start ten days after their 2nd vaccination.
when and what should happen...
Visit one

WHEN: After 2nd vaccine
Your puppy will receive a bath, dried with a gentler drier, coat is comb through and a light trim around the eyes if required. Puppy will also be introduced to the sounds and vibrations of various equipment which will be used when they are older. After their will be time for a play or treat to make sure they are comfortable with their surroundings
Your puppy will receive a bath, dried with a gentler drier, coat is comb through and a light trim around the eyes if required. Puppy will also be introduced to the sounds and vibrations of various equipment which will be used when they are older. After their will be time for a play or treat to make sure they are comfortable with their surroundings
Visit Two
WHEN: 2-4wks after first visit
During this visit your puppy will be bathed, introduced to the big doggie dryer, coat brushed and a tidy up around the feet, bottom and eyes. Re-introduction to various equipment.
During this visit your puppy will be bathed, introduced to the big doggie dryer, coat brushed and a tidy up around the feet, bottom and eyes. Re-introduction to various equipment.
Visit Three
WHEN: 2-4wks aftwr 2nd visit
Puppy's first hair cut! By this stage your puppy should be a pro to the bathing, and drying process. Once dried your puppy's coat will be clipped and scissored, making their individual personality stand out.
Just remember that puppies first hair cut may not be perfect. They have a lifetime of beautiful haircuts but only a small window of introducing to the process in a positive way. At Funky Fur, mental health and saftey is always out number 1 priority
Puppy's first hair cut! By this stage your puppy should be a pro to the bathing, and drying process. Once dried your puppy's coat will be clipped and scissored, making their individual personality stand out.
Just remember that puppies first hair cut may not be perfect. They have a lifetime of beautiful haircuts but only a small window of introducing to the process in a positive way. At Funky Fur, mental health and saftey is always out number 1 priority
Steps are just a guidline
How and when each step progresses will depend on the individual pup and adapted to how comfortable they are feeling with the process. Taking the first 1.5 years of your pups life to introduce grooming the right way is a small investement for 15+ years of happy beautiful grooms