Supportive Coat Care
From dry, itchy, allergy prone skin to oily or brittle lifeless coats. There are many elements that can make our pets feel uncomfortable in their own skin. While coming across these issues daily in my salon I wanted to find a way to relieve them from discomfort. After study and research of the canine coat and skin I have now incorporated supportive coat services using simple whole ingredients needed to begin the healing process.
While I do not offer a diagnosis which should be left to your vet or are these services a substitute for proper veterinarian treatment, while following a vet regime they can however offer temporary relief and put your pets coat on the right track for the healing process to begin.
Contact Bianca at funky fur to see if the services below can assist your pet. With continued research Bianca will have more services available to you soon.
While I do not offer a diagnosis which should be left to your vet or are these services a substitute for proper veterinarian treatment, while following a vet regime they can however offer temporary relief and put your pets coat on the right track for the healing process to begin.
Contact Bianca at funky fur to see if the services below can assist your pet. With continued research Bianca will have more services available to you soon.